quiet clean logo

The Quiet Clean Alliance (QCA) is a network of independent campaigns across the U.S. working to eliminate gas leaf blowers from our communities due to their considerable health and environmental harms. Our goal is to accelerate the shift away from gas leaf blowers and other gas-powered landscape equipment at local, state, and national levels.

Here is a brief description of what we do. We invite you to visit our other pages to learn more about the Alliance.

Our Activities


quiet clean local

We work cooperatively to accelerate the shift off gas leaf blowers and other gas-powered land care tools in each of our municipalities and counties.


quiet clean state

We track active bills in state legislatures that support the reduction or elimination of gas-powered landscape equipment. Members jointly support and defend policy efforts in our respective states.


quiet clean national

We advocate for action by Congress and federal agencies to eliminate gas leaf blowers and other gas-powered landscape equipment and to restore the Federal Noise Control Office.

QCA members share information, provide mutual support, and help build political strength in alliance with supporting organizations. For more information, see Who We Are.